You can improve your skin, if you follow a few basic rules. Especially for oily skin here is five step
way to get cleaner, clearer skin.....
Step one: HANDS OFF
way to get cleaner, clearer skin.....
Step one: HANDS OFF
Thouching your face is a big no for girls with skin issues. Throughout a normal day, your fingers pick up all kind of dirt and germs that you can't see. Everytime you touch your face, you coat your skin with the same dirt u picked up on everything from the cafeteria table to the coins you drop in the vending machime. So hands off, and it would'nt not hurt to wash your hands a little more often either.
Washing your hands more often is great. But what's good for the hand is'nt good for the face. If you over cleance your face, your oil glands think you're getting low on grease, and they'll up the production. Then pores get clogged, and zits erupt. Plus, over-washing can irritate sensitive or acne-prone skin, causing redness and patchy areas. Not pretty! wash just twice a day, using a mild face soap that's formulated for your skin type.
Great article for skincare tips. Do visit my blog ( for other beauty tips as well. Cheers!
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