'Love, Sex, Money Part of Life

LOVE....if you knew what the love meaning of love then you knew how to use it.
LOVE....if it comes from your heart it can give you feeling of happiness.
LOVE....if you just use it for the reason of having you to be rich, you will get bad karma.
LOVE....if you use for good and having in loved which each other, it will make you happy forever.
LOVE....if you use love only for playing with somebody's feeling, you will never be happy until the day you die....

SEX.....is a part of life

SEX.....is make you use w/ love and nobody you hurt somebody u feel happy.
SEX.....for you if just for fun can give you bad karma.
SEX.....with tender, loving and care your relation will be perfect.
SEX.....without love and just use it for your own sake, you lost your mind.

MONEY...changes everything in the world you can make your dream come true.

MONEY...if you are rich you can buy everything but not life will full of happiness.

MONEY...can buy you instant love, but also make your love instantly lost.

MONEY...Can make you stronger, full of energy and make you live a life full of confidence.

MONEY...is needed by people, if you don't have money, you will feel like a loser, self-pity, not confident for yourself, and everything you dreamed off is difficult to achieve...readmore

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