Tips to Avoid Having Debt This Holiday Season

Because holiday season is here, there are a lot of reasons why we cannot avoid spending more which can cause our cash out increase and even possibly put as in debt, but we can avoid such excessive cash out and debt if we plan ahead every action that we made.

Here are few tips on how we can limit our cash out and debt this holiday season

1. Have a separate budget this holiday season and limit your finances on what’s the most essential to have.

2. Make a short list of what to buy before going into shopping, just stay within the budget when making a list.

3. Get to know first the price of the items you want to purchase and compare it if it is within the limit budget.

4. When going into shopping use cash card or debit card. Avoid using credit card, it would be better to leave your credit cards at home to avoid over using it outside the budget.

5. Avoid buying gift wrap that are expensive, instead use a simple gift wraps that have a cheaper price and within the budget, after all when giving a gift it’s the thoughts that counts.

Holiday season comes only ones but do not let the holiday season ripped off our pocket and leave us with a ruin budget in start of the coming year. It’s good to start the year with no debt, so spend our cash only on what’s the most essential.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing useful tips about debt holiday
    really such a very informative tips.


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